The Paul Bunyan Show brings together key, forestry-industry members, thousands of families and recreational attendees from Ohio and beyond!
Your business can now reach these buyers in a captive environment through the show's official, attendee resource. The magazine is mailed to over 700 wood manufacturers, landowners, loggers and other industry attendees in advance of the show, and distributed to over 6,400 show attendees upon entrance.
when you advertise in The Official
Paul Bunyan Show Guide!

Editorial Features
*space permitting​
Full Color, 8.5" x 11", Printed Glossy Magazine
Total Onsite Distribution: 6,400
Total Pre-Show Mailed Distribution: over 700 to Key Decision Makers
Downloadable Version Posted on OFA Website
Additional Distribution on Social Media Channels
Advertising Rates
Full Page:
7.5" wide x 10" high
(or for bleed ad, 8.5" x 11" plus
add .125" all four sides - no extra cost)
Half Page:
7.5" wide x 4.75" high (bleed not available)
Quarter Page:
3.6" wide x 4.75" high (bleed not available)
Business Card:
3" wide x 2" high (bleed not available)
Inside Front Cover:
7.5" wide x 10" high
(or for bleed ad, 8.5" x 11" plus
add .125" all four sides for bleed - no extra cost)
​Inside Back Cover:
7.5" wide x 10" high
(or for bleed ad, 8.5" x 11" plus
add .125" all four sides for bleed - no extra cost)
Outside Back Cover:
7.5" wide x 10" high
(or for bleed ad, 8.5" x 11" plus
add .125" all four sides for bleed - no extra cost)
*Rates subject to change without notice. Bleed is available on full pages only and is included in price. Bleed trim size is 8.5" x11". Please add .125" on four sides for bleed). Additional premium positioning on page 3, 5 and 7, or across from specific features, is available for 15% surcharge. Please contact us to discuss requests and availability. All premium positions, including those above, are first-come, first-served and subject to availability. The prior year's premium-position holder has first right of refusal.